Hospice is about living.
Hospice is a time to live life to the fullest with the ones you love. Liberty Hospice can help you do that by providing comfort and serenity while focusing on your quality of life.
Our mission is to improve your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being so you can live like you want with dignity and meaning. We focus on you and the people and things that bring joy to your life. We will create moments that matter during the days that matter most.

Choosing hospice is choosing hope.
Hospice care is a choice that leads to enhanced living for you and your family. With Liberty Hospice, you are in control of the services you want. Our expert care team of nurses, social workers, chaplains, aides and volunteers will be there to support your needs and coordinate care that will make a difference for you and your family.
Our hospice care services include:
- Expert medical care from our interdisciplinary team
- Physical, emotional and spiritual support tailored to your needs and wishes
- Symptom and pain management
- Comfort care and improved quality of life
- Support and bereavement for your loved ones
- Respite Care
We know this part of life’s journey can be overwhelming, but with Liberty Hospice, you and your family are not alone.

We Honor Veterans
Liberty Hospice is proud to partner with We Honor Veterans, a program through the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the Department of Veterans Affairs. As a program partner, we are committed to identifying patients with military experience and increasing their access to veteran services. We do this by strengthening our relationship with local Veterans Associations, providing veteran-centric education for staff and volunteers, recruiting volunteers with military backgrounds to serve our veterans and honoring our veterans through formal acknowledgement ceremonies.

Find caregiver relief with hospice respite care.
Hospice respite care provides short-term relief for in-home hospice caregivers so they can rest and recover from the demands of caregiving and avoid caregiver burnout. Respite care services are covered by the Medicare Part A hospice benefit and include:
- Up to five consecutive days of inpatient care at a Medicare-certified nursing facility or hospital, where the hospice interdisciplinary team will continue to visit the patient to provide care as needed
- Counseling and support services for the family
Do I need hospice respite care?
- Are you physically or emotionally exhausted?
- Do you feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of caregiving?
- Are you ill and need time to recover?
- Do you need to attend an important or required life event?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, hospice respite care could help you rest and recharge. Family members who take time for themselves are better hospice caregivers. They suffer less burnout and have more energy to devote to loved ones.

Hospice Care Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for hospice care?
Anyone facing a life-limiting illness with a prognosis of six months or less who is no longer seeking curative treatment qualifies for hospice care.
Who pays for hospice care and supplies?
Medicare and Medicaid cover hospice services, as well as most private insurance plans. We cover 100% of medications, disposable supplies, and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) needed during hospice care.
Where is hospice care provided?
Wherever you call home, whether in a skilled nursing center, assisted living community, or a private home, we answer the call with a personalized plan of care that works for everyone involved.
Why is choosing hospice, choosing hope?
Hospice provides an opportunity for you to live with grace and dignity in the comfort of your own home and to have a voice in how you spend the time you have left with the ones you love.
How does hospice care help the patient’s family?
An important part of the care we offer comes after the patient’s journey ends. We believe bereavement care can ease the impact of death and the journey that follows. Our bereavement services include support programs, educational information and counseling services.